If a society should
will it, then it shall be free. If a society should take leave of their will
for another’s, or if it should seek to impose their will, on the individual,
then it shall forever remain bound into the slavery created by their will.
Aside from God,
Jesus, Yeshuah, Allah, Providence, Buddha or any other form of deity that we
believe in, the will of society is not so great as to be infallible or just in
all cases. However, the will of a society as a collective majority, can also be
just if it is justly imposed.
But what if then, a
collective will, is unjust or unjustly imposed upon society as a whole? Does
indeed might make right? I would persuade you against that theory in that it is
as much a threat to the free will of man as the deprivation of oxygen is to his
life. Might can only perpetuate might in that it is often born of a desire to
repress the will of another. Right will always be right until it is used in the
endeavors of wrong. Thus, just because it is
your right, does not make it right.
Let us then, for the
sake of this article, agree, Theologians and Atheists alike that there is
indeed a higher power that seeks to provide instruction for a just and moral
life. That there is indeed a deity that granted life and free will and that he continues
to watch this world and its inhabitants. Let us address him in the most general
of terms as God.
The founders of this
country and the framers of her Constitution were stalwart in their belief in a higher,
guiding force. They agreed that such a force has endowed upon his creation of
man, certain rights that are natural, inherent and therefore inalienable.
“We hold these
truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain
unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
Declaration of Independence
“The highest manifestation of life consists in this:
that a being governs its own actions. A thing which is always subject to the
direction of another is somewhat of a dead thing.”
Saint Thomas Aquinas
“The object of life is not to be on the side of the
majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.”
Marcus Aurelius
“The issue today is the same as it has been throughout
all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a
small elite.”
Thomas Jefferson
So then, our forefathers and many a man
and ruler in ancient history not only believed in a creator, but believed that
that same creator had granted the right of self determination, self governorship
or free will to the individual man. They believed that mankind had the right to
rule his body and actions and to seek and fulfill whatever desires he may in
his pursuit of, not only knowledge and fortune, but of happiness.
How then does it come
to pass that we have found ourselves being ruled yet again? How then have we
come to give up this right of self determination? Why is it that a collective
society can assume they may impose their will, just or unjust, upon any other
man, woman or child?
The individual, aside
from God, is the single most powerful force on this planet. The individual
alone has the right to determine which way he should go in life and what actions
he may take. The individual is capable of a great many things, for the
individual is capable of thought and reason.
I propose that it is
completely deplorable and laden with rebuke for a collective to seek to repress
any just or moral action of the individual. The mass is only capable of group
thought and speak; it has no capability of reason or thought in that it must,
for its very existence, abhor these things. It must denounce the very idea of
individualism and self determination.
Though in doing so,
it is also renouncing and repressing the greatest gift that our creator has
For what is a life
lived in its entirety in chains and bondage, servitude and serfdom? Nothing I
dare say, but merely an object of existence. A rock may exist, but it has no
If we do accept that
God has given us to life and free will, then we must also accept that these
gifts have come with a price. In every powerful being there exists such a
desire as to see its subject live under their will. Such I believe is the
desire of God. He in fact, does wish for us to live in his honor and after his
image and teachings, but he also has granted us leave if we should so choose
another path.
Therefore is it
entirely acceptable for a child of God, his creation, which among all other man
is equal, to decide what another man shall do with his life? Is it therefore
then acceptable that a Catholic should decide that all mankind should not eat
meat when the custom of lint should come about? Or the Christian to partake of
no wine or drug, or the Muslim to partake of no pork? I remain staunch in my
belief that this is near chief among the greatest transgressions man can
inflict upon his brethren.
The forceful or coercive application of the ideas of one or
many, upon a single individual, is second in tragedy only to the actual
physical taking of his life. An individuals mind and intellect is among the
chief of those most precious gifts entailed in life. Is it not in the mind where
happiness is perceived? Is it not our minds and intellect that allow us to
define our happiness by counting it against our sufferings?
To make a man espouse
the ideas of another, forcefully, is an evil, tyrannical thing. In all cases
this act should be met with the utmost and vehement force of rebellion. The
retention of all things singular and precious to this individual should be
retained, and it is his will alone that can determine what will or will not be
cast aside.
It is a derelict
society that would seek to impose its own ideas and will upon the individual.
It is an immoral and corrupt society that would seek to ridicule, persecute or
excommunicate the individual that would challenge these same things. It is also
a cowardly individual that would allow this same treatment to persuade his
There can be a time
however, that an imposition can and should be tolerated. The father that
teaches his children about morality and integrity should, in all cases, not be
hindered. The pastor that teaches his congregation after the teachings of God
and his book should not be abhorred. The student that seeks knowledge from his
teacher should not be abridged in any way. But, there will and must come a time
when each of these will, in the course of responsibility, throw off these
harnesses and seek for themselves the truth of the questions.
This time must come
in the course of natural events. It must be allowed to expand as a result of
the individual’s own desire and it must come freely. A society is in no way
just, nor does it have the authority, to bring about these changes or inflict
upon the individual a reprieve from these things.
A society must stand
aside and let man, for himself, determine when he shall stand and when he shall
lay. When he shall read and when he shall speak. It is a fearful and dastardly
thing indeed for a society to seek or obtain the power to direct the
individuals mind and mouth to its own ends. This act should be repelled in
every instance.
The ideas of an
individual are the very foundation of a free society. They are the fruit born
of labored intellect and they should be well received in all cases. Is every
man not entitled by way of life to his own thoughts and opinions? Whether they
be perceived rightly or wrongly is of no consequence. If a just and moral idea should
give way to actions of the same, then how should a society succeed in putting
them down? If an unjust and immoral idea should lead to actions of the same,
but not be put down, how then should this society be regarded?
I should say that the
individual is the very thing upon which a society is formed and the very thing
which gives it power. Therefore is it not conceivable to assume that every idea
and individual is indeed of the collective? For an idea may inspire one or many
to the same cause. Those same individuals may take shelter in their own
collective to insure their merits are well received and debated. Is this not
the way it has always been?
I should upon reflection
and reference state yes. Men have always been drawn to those of like mind and
conscious. Whether they be moral or immoral is not the basis of this argument,
merely a by product. If endowed with the ability and desire to seek and espouse
our own ideas, but having those same rejected by the majority of society, is it
not our way to form a group of individuals wherein the same reasoning and logic
can be found?
If so, why is it then
allowed, for one collective to be deemed just, while another, created by the
same desire of company, should be vilified? I know not and can fathom no logical
or sane reasoning as to justify this behavior.
If a free society is
to at all, remain free, or a bound society is to ever, become free, it then
must accept the individual and the respective ideas as an integral part of the
consensus in a group is often confused with finding the right answer.”
Norman Mailer
“The unity of freedom has never relied on uniformity of
John F. Kennedy
In Liberty,
Richard Camacho
Ron Paul 2012