As I have stated in a previous article, there are issues
that continue to plague our current political system. As Americans certain
things or ideas resonate with us on an individual level, more so than others.
Do Americans really vote with their bellies? Yes, yes I am sure they do.
Ronald Reagan once
asked the question, “Are you better off than you were four years ago?”
Politically that was a brilliant question to pose to the American people, not
just because of the apparent blow it struck to President Carter, bolstering
claims of his purported incompetence, but because it was a question that all
Americans had to take notice of. For the first time in probably a long time,
there was a question that each member had to ask and ultimately answer, in
honesty, to themselves and no other.
Obviously, the
resounding answer was “No!” as Reagan won the office from Carter.
Over the last century
we have witnessed our political arenas and office seekers switch from a
platform of addressing the issues, presenting ideas or solutions and debating
the offerings solely on their merit, to a platform of obfuscating the issues,
ignoring the facts, presenting no solutions or denigrating viable solutions and
dishonoring any debate on the merits of solutions.
Enter the issues:
- The Economy
- Jobs
- Cost of Living
- Government Reform
- Taxes
- War
- Education
- Abortion
Obviously this is an abridged list of issues
that continually plagued our nation, but I felt these are chief among the long
line, in that they are continually being “addressed” in every political cycle.
My hope and intention
here is not to dissuade or persuade you to any candidate for this election
cycle, but I wish merely to restart that engine of critical thinking that we
all, as humans, posses the capacity to engage in. I don’t think it is merely a
question of problem, I think it is a problem of question. We are not asking the
right questions and ultimately, we are not answering those correct questions
truthfully. In the empire of lies, truth truly is treason. Yet when we begin to
be truthful, not only with ourselves, but those family, friends and neighbors
with whom we seek such company, we can, in the end, begin to understand what
measures and sacrifices may be necessary as to overcome any obstacle, real or
“It’s the Economy Stupid!” (Oh and Jobs too!)
Could it really be
that simple? Yes, and yes again, it absolutely can. There are more than a few
questions surrounding this issue, but some of the most common ones are also the
most incorrect. In a business world, private sector that is, most often you can
get to the root of any problem when you ask the “five why’s”.
We didn’t bonus this year.
Because we lost some sales.
Because we missed some deadlines.
Because production had a lot of issues.
Because they don’t know how to run as efficiently as they
Because they are not properly trained.
Finding the root of a
problem is achieved by asking the right questions. Until you ask the right
questions, you can never begin to answer them honestly and correctly. Therefore
you can never truly understand the underlying reasons of failure in any given
This applies to all
things, not just the economy.
How can we fix the economy?
“We” do not fix the economy; it fixes itself
after necessary corrections have been made.
What are the necessary corrections?
The debt, good and bad, that is not sustainable must be liquidated.
How do we liquidate the debt?
By allowing corporations that are leverage too
deeply to fail, become insolvent and declare bankruptcy.
How did they become over extended?
Through the practice of “fractional reserve
lending”, 0% interest loans and the moral hazard created by government backed
loan guarantees.
What do we need to do to stop these practices?
Remove all forms of government loan backing,
audit the Federal Reserve, return to a GOLD or similar commodity standard that
backs our currency, prohibit the Federal government from interfering,
interacting or influencing the economy in any way. Simply put, by getting the
government intervention out of the economy and returning to free market
Questions and statements of the following nature are
constantly being vomited from the mouths of uneducated, ignorant and
intellectually challenged TV personalities to the point of being totally
laughable in their fallacy.
“What can the government do to create jobs and stimulate the
economy?” “Why isn’t the government
fixing the economy?” “The government passed a bill to stimulate the economy.”
“A bill passed the house today and signed by the president is slated to ease
credit requirements for lending in the hopes that the economy will be
The government cannot
stimulate the economy, because the government
has nothing with which to administer any stimulation. The government
(problem) first has to take from us (economy), and then give to the banks
(problem) who then loans our money back to us (credit) with interest rates as
high as 27% (debt).
The government cannot
“create” jobs because again, it has
nothing with which to create them. Government jobs are not true jobs in the sense of a contribution
to the economy and society. This is an argument that I love to have with state
workers. A common defense is that state workers do pay taxes and therefore are contributing. Again, another
While there may be
the allusion or cursory notion of paying taxes, it is, in reality an allusion.
For the government to pay you, as a state worker, it must first confiscate
money from the people (taxes, fines, fees, etc.) or “borrow” it from the
Federal Reserve (debt) before it can issue you a check. So, as a state worker
you are either paying taxes with someone else’s money, or you are paying taxes
on money that was created for the sole purpose of paying taxes and
therefore, that money does not even exist. (Taxing the taxes for taxes!)
I’m sorry if that
offends you, but it is the truth. 96% of your money does not exist, it is debt
of credit. Have you ever asked why a luxury car cost $3500.00 dollars in the
seventies but today costs ten times that amount? It is because credit was
created, based on nothing real, in exorbitant amounts, lent to Americans and
the world with a debt percentage attached, then repaid with more created money
To understand this
you only have to look at the price of a Troy
ounce of gold in 1912, which was one year before the Federal Reserve act and
the 16th amendment.
$18.93 – 1912
$1565.90 – 2011 (12/30/11)
The cost of living
increases every time the Federal Reserve creates money. It increases the monetary base yet dilutes the value which decreases the purchasing power
of the dollar. A dollar buys a donut today because there are only 30 trillion
of those dollars competing against whatever “backing” they have. A dollar and eighteen
cents buys a donut tomorrow because there are now 35 trillion of those dollars
competing against this same fractional backing.
The easiest explanation I can give as to what
plagues our economy is this:
Our economy is plagued by boom and bust cycles that are
propagated and perpetuated by the flow of easy credit, or debt, issued by
banks, funded by the Federal Reserve and authorized by the federal government.
So if the problem is
credit and debt, is it logical to assume that the addition of more credit and
debt can solve the problem?
I’ll have The Income
Taxes with SS and Medicare Taxes and a Side of War Funding Please.
Now I won’t start this section off by
saying that I do not believe in any taxes. I think we need some taxes, because we need roads and certain basic government services, but I do think that most taxes are nothing more than an elaborate scheme to steal money
from the American people to fund government expansion, war and corporate
I have already
covered how are taxes are used to “pay off” debt and create more money to
stimulate the economy in the hopes that more taxes can be generated to pay off
more debt in the previous section. This section will cover government
departments, services and other uses of taxes.
Let’s first look at
the government services that we should have or need as a necessity:
We need some form of representation.
We need some venue to address our representatives.
We need some place to record documents pertaining to sales
and contracts within each county.
We need some form of law enforcement to protect those who
cannot protect themselves.
We need some place for our civil grievances to be heard.
We need some form of detention for lawful criminals.
We need some form of oversight and development of
And possibly one or two more things.
Now think about what
we have, or what we are paying, for and compare it to this list.
Now think about the
high taxes you pay.
Now think about how
good of a job these government agencies are doing.
Now ask yourself what
you really could do without. Ask
yourself if you really, really must
have this department or service.
Now ask yourself if you want to continue to pay taxes to
support these things that you do not
If there is any reasonable or logical capability left within
your brain, I am sure there are one or fifteen things you decided you can do
without. I know that there are several things I can do without and I will even
go so far as to name them for a comparison.
The Department of Commerce (all)
The Department of the Interior
The Department of Education (all)
The Department of Social Security
The Department of Transportation (all)
The Department of Immigration (all)
The Department of Homeland Security
The Department of Corrections (all)
The Department of Health and Human Services (all)
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (all)
The Department of Defense
The Department of Justice
The Environmental Protection Agency (all)
The Department of Labor Relations
The Transportation Safety Administration
Medicare and Medicaid
The Federal Emergency Management Agency
Federal Subsidies (all)
Foreign Aid (all)
The Internal Revenue Service (all)
And one or two more I am sure.
Let’s just look at
these departments and services that we pay for, and then let’s think about what
we can either do for ourselves individually, handle at the local level or leave
at the state level.
If we act more
responsibly not only as persons, but as a city or state we can eliminate these
departments by establishing our own trade partners (1,2,9,13), enforcing
private property laws/rights (2,7,5,9,13), drastically reducing our welfare
system (3,4,5,6,9,11,13), reducing regulations (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13),
utilizing our natural resources (1,2,5,7,9,13), maintaining and improving our
infrastructure (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10,13) and in general just being smart and
responsible (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13).
- The Department of Commerce (all)
- The Department of the Interior
- The Department of Immigration (all)
- The Department of Health and Human Services (all)
- The Department of Housing and Urban Development (all)
- The Department of Justice
- The Environmental Protection Agency (all)
- The Federal Emergency Management Agency
- The Internal Revenue Service (all)
- The Department of Transportation (all)
- The Department of Corrections (all)
- The Transportation Safety Administration
- The Department of Labor Relations
If we were to promote self reliance and personal
responsibility we could then eliminate these departments and services entirely
after some time.
- The Department of Education (all)
- The Department of Social Security
- Federal Subsidies (all)
- The Internal Revenue Service (all)
- Medicare and Medicaid
- The Department of Labor Relations
If we stopped running
around the world punching people in the face, kicking them in the knee-caps,
destroying their cities and stealing their stuff we could eliminate these
departments and services entirely and immediately. We would also be able to secure
our borders, decrease our debt, decrease our tax burden, reduce our enemies and
in general go back to being the good and awesome nation that we were meant to
- The Department of Homeland Security
- The Department of Defense
- The Department of Justice
- The Transportation Safety Administration
- The Federal Emergency Management Agency
- Foreign Aid (all)
- The Internal Revenue Service (all)
Now, personally, I think this is a great start to reforming
our government.
The Proliferation of Education
Let me start by saying that your perceived right to education is a
fallacy and laughable at best. You have a right to educate yourself, but you do
not have a right to force someone to pay for that education. If you think that
you do, I am shocked that you were able to make it this far into the article
without your head exploding.
No one has the right
to stop your pursuit of happiness so long as that pursuit in no way infringes
on the rights of another. You are free to read all the books you want, free to
go to all the classes that you want, free to take, fail or pass any course in
education you wish, so long as you or an agreeable benefactor pays for it.
Neither you, nor the government has any right to confiscate the fruits of labor
(money) from another individual to pay for that education.
Money earned is the
fruit of labor of a person. It is half of one agreement for labor, skill, or
advice between two or more parties. As such it is the property of the
individual that has bargained for it and to confiscate by force or the threat
thereof, coercion or to redirect that property without the freely expressed
consent of the owner is theft.
When I hear of “raising
taxes for education”, what I really hear is “steal more money from me to pay
for someone else’s education”. I’m not a bad guy, but honestly, I don’t want to
be forced to pay for Tom’s kids to be able to go to school. They’re his kids,
not mine and if Tom wants his kids to have an education then he needs to be
responsible, make sacrifices and do whatever he must to insure they receive the
education he desires for them. It’s his responsibility, not mine.
I have my own
personal responsibilities and they extend so far as to my wife and two sons. If
their education is really that important to me, then I will make the necessary
sacrifices to provide it for them. If that means I have to patch some holes in
my jeans instead of buying a new pair, buying used tires instead of new ones or
eating top ramen for lunch everyday for the next five years then guess what, I
will make it happen.
The public school
system absolutely disgusts me and personally I think it should be abolished or
completely dismantled and rebuilt. It is clearly dysfunctional, inefficient,
biased, incompetent, unreliable and a complete and utter failure to the
children. I might be more inclined to tolerate the “redistribution of my
wealth” if the system actually worked!
But it doesn’t, and
instead of having our money put to good use, we are stuck with multitudes of
kids that can barely read, kids that can’t dissect a sentence let alone compose
one. Students that have a ridiculously shallow perception of history, a
complete lack of understanding of the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Articles of
Confederation, the Civil War and who posses no ability for critical thinking
beyond that of the next MP3 download or cup of triple mocha non-fat bullshit!
I apologize for the
language, but some things really, really get under my skin.
To be completely
honest, I don’t want you to think that I am a well educated man or that I think
that I am smarter, better educated or better period than any other person. I
have no education higher than grade 12 and I have no desire to return to any
university in my life. Though I may be better off materially than others, I am in no way better than any of my fellow
I understand that our
system does produce some exceptional individuals, but these individuals, I
believe already possessed a decent amount of intellect. They possessed great
potential before they entered the university and they gleaned a far greater
amount than the average student because of their inherent intellect. The school
system does not make a dumb person smart, or a smart person smarter, it merely
provides them with more tools to cultivate their intellect. At least, that is
what it was intended to do.
Understanding this
core function and failure, it pains me to hear a politician talk about the
“issue” of education or “fixing” it. It seems the only solution they have is to
throw more money at it. I can assure you, money is not the issue…with the
In 2009 I did some
research as to the expenditures of the state of California on public education. The scope
reviewed only those expenses related to the grades K-12. I had, for some time,
been at odds with the school system as each basic class, year after year seemed
a monotonous redundancy of the prior year, with few new challenges. The
infamous budget stalemate between the “Governator” and the assembly begged that
I look into it…if only for fun.
I cannot remember the
exact details and I don’t really feel like looking into it again. Basically I
took the total dollar amount of grade K-12 expenses for the budget year 08/09
(not fiscal year) and divided it by the total number of registered school aged
children in that category. The total expense per student ended up right about
dollars! This includes: administration, facilities, transportation, meals and
nurses, everything that goes into the education of these kids. I was
astonished, mortified and disgusted. For nine thousand dollars per year I could
provide an excellent education for both of my kids and afford a week long stay
at Disneyland. A few months after that, I was
informed by my state senator that of that approximate nine thousand, only $0.41
of every dollar went to the actual classroom instruction. This coupled with the
other information leaves me with a one word conclusion-pathetic.
The problem is not
more money, it never has been and it never will be. The problem is the same
with any state or government run agency-incompetence-willful or otherwise. Now,
ask yourself this question, do you really want to keep paying into a system
that remains broken such as this?
Choice and Life
you might have guessed this next section is about abortion. I of all people
know how sensitive this issue is and I have a personal take on it.
Nevertheless, I will endeavor to keep it brief.
Since Roe vs. Wade
and Doe vs. Bolton there have been approximately 50 million abortions performed
in the United States.
In 2008 there were 1.21 million.
My battle is personal
and at times I find myself torn between choice and life, Liberty and death. I think that is an eternal
struggle that we must all face, in our own way. My religious beliefs do have a
standard to bear as well as convictions to hold to, but I know that in time of
doubt, those faiths may not hold me steadfast enough. I know, because they have
already failed me once. In the end, it was my desire to see a new face, one
that I could call my own. A desire to see a life that was indeed a part of me,
inseparable in blood, that overcame.
My girlfriend and I had been dating for a few months and I had yet to confess or profess my love
for her. I did indeed love her and knew that I would marry her in time, but I
was not yet ready to let her in on the secret. A hopeless romantic was I in
that I wanted it to be special and most memorable. I was to have my way for
indeed it was a most memorable day.
We found that she was
pregnant near to my birthday and though I was secretly excited, she was
terrified. In her paraphrased words, “I didn’t know if you loved me or if it
would last and I was scared to raise a baby on my own.” Her fears were entirely
understandable, even to this day.
I remember having the
conversation about what to do about “it”. I remember thinking, “No, you can’t
even be talking about this!” I also remember thinking that if it didn’t work
what then would we do? It was, for a brief moment “on the table” and yes, my
faith based beliefs had failed me and given way to thoughts of remedy. I think
the first conversation ended with me saying something as uncouth and
insensitive as, “It’s not up to me, it’s your decision.”
Though I was for a moment given to entertain the idea, it
was only brief. I can remember sitting on the couch with tears running down my
face; the agony and torment I felt in my heart and soul for even thinking it a
possibility were almost too great to bear. In that second conversation I
retracted my first statement stating that, “I didn’t know if I could go through
with it. I didn’t know if I could kill my child.”
The tears still come
when I think about that day.
Thankfully, all she needed was my love and support in the
open to make her decision. We have now been married for 5 years, four months
and we have two awesome sons, Benjamin Matthew and Liam Andrew.
The Constitutionalist
in me says that liberty is due us all and that we all have the right to decide
for ourselves what choices we make and ultimately have to live with. It also
battles with the unequivocal right to life and the need to protect life.
Life and freedom are
not synonymous. They are at times, at odds with each other. I know not what
binds a man can place on his self, but I do know the framers saw fit to scribe
“Life” before “Liberty”
and the “Pursuit of Happiness” in their declaration of independence.
I think they
understood that to have liberty, you must first have life. I think they
understood that you must protect life if you are to ever have liberty, even if
it means you must surrender your own of either in doing so.
I can’t make up your
mind on this issue, but I can say that as a society I think eventually, with or
without abortion being legal, we will outgrow it. I think in time we will come
to understand life before liberty in truth and marvel at how our mothers and
fathers could have ever saw it differently.
The decision is
ultimately yours and I would not attempt to persuade you otherwise except to
say this; in seeing that great and wonderful Life that Love can produce, I am
free to Pursue my Happiness.
In Liberty,
Richard Camacho
In Liberty,
Richard Camacho